Spiritual Teacher and Healer

Therapist for Body and Mind

Trainer for Tibetan Pulsing

Dancer & Choreographer

Adima life story

Adima & Sudeva's Story

In a Nutshell

I am working as a spiritual teacher with a profound background in psycho therapy and transformational body and energy work. My allegiance is with truth in the middle of the moment.
I live and teach “Conscious Living in the Middle of the Moment” as a door to truth and love. 
Sometimes, living in the here-now takes courage and all the time it needs a solid heart commitment. I love to give you tools to develop both and find your way of unveiling and celebrating who you are. Here are no promises, cannot be. Only one thing is quite certain: me, you and all the rest of it is forever changing and needs our love and humour to become a light journey.

Wrapped Up Bio

In my early 20s, at the beginning of a promising career in Modern Dance I followed a gut feeling, which was driven by a deep longing to find "more" ... I dropped out of career and common life style in order to learn meditation and to meet an enlightened master. I have never regretted this seemingly drastic and crazy step in my life. Apart from the fact that it was unavoidable.
I spent the bigger part of thirteen years in India, mainly in the "Osho Mystery School" and in the "Tibetan House" of the Spiritual Commune around the Indian Mystic Osho. I have also been graced with meeting the Advaita Master Papaji

During incomparably rich and adventurous years of living and working on two continents, the inner world opened up. I completed trainings in spiritual therapy and healing arts and experienced transformative changes.
The founder of Tibetan Pulsing Healing, Sw Dheeraj, and the Director of the Osho Mystery School, Ma Kaveesha have been most influential in a life changing way. I'll be forever grateful for their teaching and the gifts I received through them.
My medial talents, intuition and empathy were nurtured. After a while I began to share the skills I had acquired with others. The opportunity to serve the well-being of others opened up.

Over time a shift happened from imagining and making efforts towards how I should be, to discovering who and how I truly am. Only by looking in can we unveil the truth and discover the completion and beauty we already are. This can neither be provoked nor prevented. It is always here and now. The journey continues. 


My invitation is to shift from the mind to the heart, from speculating to experiencing, from following a story in time to living in the middle of this moment - free from the glue with the 'story of I, me, my self.'

I enjoy being in the middle of the moment, where life is always a fresh surprise. It's all about paying attention to how life is as me, as you and as everything around us, forever changing and unpredictable.

Sharing that with each other is what I call Satyamitra: sharing truth as friends. It requires openness and equality without same-making

My Job

The professional roles I play are called ‘Spiritual Teacher, Healer, Therapist’. These involve continuous learning and keep changing, in the past and now. I use individually tailored tools for you in order to liberate what is already free at the source. My strongest allegiance and my trust is with awareness: witnessing in the middle of the moment.

I understand my job to be a kind of consciousness tour-guide for daily living. I am touched by the priviledge of people sharing with me. It is often inspiring, sometimes humbling and always a reflection of my own being. 

Feel warmly welcome to share the magic of living in the middle of the moment.
Let's dance life to the song of love sounding from the universe.


Adima Life Story

Adima & Sudeva's Story