

(wisdom from the Chinese Master Chuang Tzu, passed on to contemporary ears by the Indian Mystic Osho)

Sounds simple - is simple
It holds the truth and deeper than words, our Being

Friends in Truth


Adima & Sudeva Hawkes - in Devon UK, Online and in Europe




Start 30 APRIL

YT in English


Unifying friends, discovering, growing and healing together is our passion and our dream.
We've both come a long way on a spiritual path that involved meditation, therapy and healing. Along the way, we've gotten identified with and also liberated from concepts. We've been blessed to discover humbling and delightful truth about ourselves and found ways into silence and peace of mind. Read about 'SATYAMITRA - Friends in Truth.'

On the spiritual path, the tendency is to bypass the needs of the body and the psyche, while 'therapy alone' may not give space to the timeless and the mysterious. We find that a blend of spiritual and therapeutic tools works best to open the way to one's own discovery of truth and how to live it. More important than knowledge or conceptual therapies is to stay tuned with the heart. To stay open to the freshness of this moment. To trust not knowing in the Now. It is our joy to reflect to you how precious you are. You can meet us in person and online. 

Our Program |   More about us 

Top Videos
Love in Time and Space, Adima & Sudeva in Tibetan Pulsing Online
Remembering Oneself is always Now - Interview with Adima


Spirituality is often interpreted or used as an 'escape from the world' in order to avoid certain kinds of hardship. Having found out that that doesn't work, we use spirituality as an ally to assist in realising and expressing our true potential while living ordinary lives.

Atisha's Heart Meditation: transforming suffering into love


Complementary Therapy supports you in discovering and flowering in your uniqueness. No two people transform or heal in the same way. We offer individually tailored sessionsIndividual Intensives, Groups and Trainings.

Self-Discovery Online with Adima & Sudeva and Guests


Healing, like Meditation, can ultimately not be "done to you". It happens. We offer the space and the methods to invite and support that happening. 
Article about Healing

Tibetan Pulsing Iridology - the different kind of Eye-Reading

Here's more to look at, read and enjoy

Adimas Blog
Sudevas Blog
Cyber Arts Design

Contact us for Information or a free Intake-Talk