'Satyamitra' means Friendsin Truth
Discovering (your) true Being
"It's all about openness. About being present without measuretapes, without judgement or expectation.
Paying attention to how life is as me, as you and as everything around us, forever changing and unpredictable.
Sharing that with one another is what I call sharing truth as friends: Satyamitra." (Adima)
Satyamitra: Satya means 'Truth', Mitra means 'Friend'. Friends in Truth. Adima received this name for her work around 2004 in a meditative vision.
Discovering the truth involves facing it. Considering the divine oneness as our core being and the programmed aspects of mind and nervous system.
In Satyamitra meetings we explore who and how we truly are. The atmosphere in the meetings often vibrates a magical quality. Being together with an intent to discover and share the inner journey uplifts and enriches everyone present with the light that we all are. It also works online! Discovering who one truly is, is not a "doing". It is rather a remembering, or more precisely a receiving.
ZOOM Meetings In-Person Meetings YouTube
- Duration about 2 hours
- No prerequisites
- Everyone is welcome
- Life musicians welcome, please contact us
Living true to the truth in daily life is not about "instead-solutions", like enlightenment instead of how you are now. It's rather about discovering the light, the truth which is already here - in spite of and including our programmed shortcomings. There is no such thing as a 'spiritual life' versus a 'normal' one. Life is just life. The only relevant difference is whether we are awake and aware in the Here-and-Now or we are asleep and dreaming to be 'spiritual' or 'normal' or something else 'different' from what we are this very moment.
In the middle of this moment you can't escape happiness.
Bardo Work
"By losing interest in wanting what is not here or trying to change life against its natural flow, one becomes a beginner in this moment. It is hard to explain 'who am I' but something in being it is very simple. You're invited to discover that."
These three words are very meaningful to me: life, the basic energy; love, the transformation of this energy into a celebration; and light, the transformation of love, through meditation, into divine existence." (Osho, The Eternal Quest)
Individual Journey
Individual Intensive
For committed people
REVIEW from a long time fellow traveler and guest of satsang meetings with Adima:
"Adima can see and bring out the good in the faultiest person. She also unmasks in loving and humorous ways what is faulty in the most "holy" person. Somehow she makes a range of very different people very interested in their true nature. That happens with an astonishing ease - but leaves no escape."
Self-Inquiry / Self-Discovery is about “Who am I really? ” This inquiry invites personal honesty and opens space inside for receiving universal truth. Facing the truth about how we are reveals our programmming and conditioning. Investigating who am I points to being fully present in the middle of the moment.
Satsang means 'Associated or connected (sangha) with truth'(sat). Traditionally the word 'satsang' refers to gatherings of seekers around a teacher who would answer to questions or share their energy field of non dual awareness or enlightenment in a silent gathering. Gatherings also happen without a teacher, with music or chanting.
Satyamitra' Satya means 'Truth', Mitra means 'Friend'. Sharing truth as friends means sharing this moment as it is. This is a challenging invitation to heart and mind. It asks for being equals without same-making.
Our YouTube Channel features English and German interviews and excerpts from Zoom meetings
If you like to host meetings in your area contact us.