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The "here and now" is a shift in consciousness

from the old to the eternally unknown
from the habitual to the truthful
from knowledge to spontaneous intelligence

Living in the Now is not a spiritual exercise or an esoteric luxury. It is an opening for inner and outer peace.

Instead of making efforts to imagine how you should be, you can discover WHO and HOW you truly are.

Our work is dedicated to this discovery.


About Healing and Special Talents (by Adima 2010)

A healthy human is a whole human, meaning someone who is in peace with what is here, right now..
A good healer is someone, who can sense what is needed in the moment to support being in peace with what is here, right now.

It is a common misunderstanding about "healing," that it would mean to extinguish symptoms or at least, change states according to our preferences.

Symptoms and states are not in the way of truth or realisation of truth. It looks and feels easier to us to be in a body free of pain or dysfunctioning, but pain or dysfunctioning - however unpleasant they may be - are not a hindrance to discover your true nature.
Quite opposite! Pain and disturbances are allies, which remind us that consciousness only uses this body-mind in its own unexplainable, mysterious ways, but is not dependent on this body-mind.

Most people, and especially the ones in healing professions, wish for so-called "healing miracles" (or success) in a sense of gaining control over life - and death.
True Healing is the opposite of control. It is awake openness in the middle of whatever is here in the moment. There is a trap to neglect the body. That is not where I am pointing! It requires responsibility and self-love to serve the truth of being "the oneness" and still take care of one's individual  needs and the body's sensitivities in an appropriate way and with wisdom of discernment.

I get asked quite often, whether "awakened people" experience pain less painful or get around diseases more easily.
You see, there is this fatal hope in the mind that in truth there would be some kind of divine perfection or that the human body-mind-system would become super human through realisation of truth. Such ideas are bogus!

Methods of healing are not essential to discover your true nature - they are helpful in relative ways, that's all. Much more important is your inner focus to that which is already and will always be whole inside yourself, independent of what the symptoms are.

That which is already whole, needs no healing. To discover that is being healed from the illusion of separation.
This discovery is possible during life time. At this point it starts making sense to take care of your body-mind-machine as good as possible. Not because the methods will enlighten you, but simply to support your chance to realise who you are while still in the body.

Osho inspired me many years ago on the issue. I heard him say: "90% of all healing is love, 10% is the method. The healer is only an instrument.“

During my time in India I have learned various methods of healing. I experienced the self-importance of (healer-) ego, fooled by the impression that it would be
"me" who could influence life to move towards a so-called healing.

With the revelation of truth, the personal spiritual and healing ambitions calmed down and ebbed out. I got healed from "the healer" and can now support others to be open and awake in this moment, in whatever life offers.

You may use methods to support yourself on the way. Methods can start from the relative to point towards that which is always, unmoving and independently HERE.

I was born with a potential of clairvoyant talents.Those talents have often moved me between the arrogance of being special and a kind of unnatural effort of wanting to be normal. The equanimity of being here in the moment revealed that there is no meaning in either direction.

Neither a healer nor a seeker can promise or trust the effects of methods or talents. It is not in our control. When you dedicate yourself truly to the moment, your potential will be used most effectively.

Of all the methods I have learned, I like the Tibetan Pulsing very much. It's a great fun tool to support people in becoming still within their own center while fully enjoying the carousel of life.
I use it to invite people into a taste of that which is is HERE before, during and after the bodily existence. I also like it that Tibetan Pulsing combines a joyful experience of bodywork with meditation.

What is Magic?
or ‘How do I find my heart’s desire?’  (by Sudeva, 2004)

Magic is no more or less than the art of making things happen. First, we realise what we want, then we create it as a reality in the world. At its simplest, it may be that the desire to find a job is followed by the act of looking for a job in the newspaper, calling the employer and getting the job. We do not ordinarily conceive of this as magic, but that is what it is. How happy we are, for a moment, when we get the job. We feel the magic of it.

Another way to practice magic is to find a high place or a sacred site in the physical world: the top of a hill, an empty beach or any place that is sacred to you. This high or sacred place may also be found inside yourself. For one person it may be found by sitting silently, for another in a moment of intensity. Having found this sacred space, the art is to relax inwardly and to become aware of one’s goal, one’s intention. Perhaps it is to find a beautiful home, a perfect place to live, or to find a beautiful lover. It may be to bring peace to all beings, or to heal the body by focusing loving awareness on any part that is unwell.
In any case, the art of magic is twofold. One aspect is taking the practical steps. The other is to become clear on one’s intention, at once focused and relaxed, inviting it in, inviting it towards you. Seeing what is wanted and allowing it to fill you. Very simple. Try it and see!

However, there are pitfalls to this approach to life. It may be understood as magic or, more ordinarily, as getting what one wants. Either way, we are caught up in the wanting. And, what ever it is you want is what you don’t have at the moment. Once you have it, you start wanting something new. This experience is familiar to all of us. No sooner do we get the beautiful new car than we want a holiday to drive around and enjoy it, instead of all the extra work it takes to pay off the car loan.
Not only that, worse is to come. Whatever we wish for, its opposite is already implied. When we invite a beautiful lover into our lives, we risk inviting all the ties and difficulties of relationship. When we invite a wonderful new house, we also invite all the responsibilities that entails. We may limit our freedom to travel, for example. Despite our best attempts at creative visualisation, when we invite world peace we acknowledge the reality of a world at war.

It is only when we learn to relax with our longings that transformation actually begins. Not that we can’t have the things we want, but we are not caught up in the wanting and healing can begin. If you can just be happy, that is all there is to it. In the words of the Indian master and mystic Osho:"Just be happy and the beloved comes. Just be happy, and friends are there. Just be happy and everything follows.
This will look magical; you can even call it the law of magic."

About Channeling (2010)

(transcript of a spontaneous answer to a question, originally spoken by Adima in English, no German translation)
Q: Adima, I remember that you gave channelling sessions in Poona. What exactly is channeling? Can you say how it works and how reliable it is?
A: Mmhhh... looks like, I can not escape all my past (laughter) ... you get me in trouble (laughter)... O.K. this is a complex question. I guess we need to look into few things.
In a way each and every one of us is a channel. A channel for life, a channel for love, a channel for consciousness.
Our very spines are a channel.

The spine is somehow hovering between the earth and the sky. The energy flow of life connects the spine on the bottom end to what we call “the material” and on the other end to what we call “spiritual“. On one end to what we call “our experience“ and on the other end to what we call “pure consciousness.“
Now, on top of that spine, on top of that channel is a bio-computer, the brain, which is like a hardware. It contains an operating system (the mind) and that contains a lot of software, which interprets the electrical signals that reach to the computer through the channel of the spine.

Now, there is areas in every brain, that are a little more or a little less “developed”. What I mean here is, every one of us for example can sing, but not everyone can become an opera singer. There are certain talents which are given. In that sense, a talent means the capacity of the brain to interpret or use certain electrical signals. People who „channel“ - in the sense of receiving and interpreting “messages” - do have a certain talent to plug into the ethernet of psychic electrical signals. That ethernet is surrounding us, surrounding everything everywhere – it is a vibration phenomenon. It is electrical. The “messages” that can be withdrawn (downloaded) from that ethernet are before, during and after time. In another way we can say, the messages in that ethernet are timeless, in the sense, that everything which has happened, is happening and maybe will happen is buzzing around as electrical signals, as a potential.

All of this – and this is important – that is being described here, what I call the “psychic ethernet” is NOT the same as „consciousness“. It is part – or expression of “consciousness”.
Consciousness IS … that, in which all of the described appears. Consciousness is neither an electrical activity nor and electrical non-activity. If anything, consciousness simply IS ... ... ...  pure
electricity, or the potential of electricity itself. Until this day electricity itself is not defined as any something.

What I call the “Psychic Ethernet” is already electrical energy formed into CERTAIN electrical signals. Only certain electrical signals can be interpreted by the bio-computer, the brain. The operating system in your bio-computer can interpret such signals whether you are in sleep, you are in dreams, you are in meditation, you are in trance or you are in what is called waking consciousness.
The interpretation of those signals can happen in either of those states. This means, there is no someone doing this – the brain-computer does it.
Channels have a certain talent to “catch” (or, to be aware of) the signals of the psychic Ethernet. Those signals reach to all of us, but only few people have the talent to interpret the signals and decode the electrical code into words or pictures first and then into words.

Now comes an important thing: the interpretation of those signals is always through the software, the programming, the mind of the one who delivers the interpretation, means: the channel. No matter how open-hearted and well motivated a channel might be, the channel cannot other but “filter” the signals through their own body-mind-system.
A good channel is able to step aside as an ego, to step aside with their personal story and only offer the mechanism in the bio-electrical computer to do its job on the electrical signals.
A bad channel involves the personal ego – often without intending to or being aware of it.
A channel without a capacity for meditation may get in difficulties and may put others in difficulties, too. So, a good channel has an experience, has a feeling of not being involvedas a personal ego, and that feeling is accurate. Still, what is often not seen and what is greatly misunderstood is, that the signals from the psychic ethernet are filtered and interpreted by the mind of the channel, ego or no ego in the way. Some filtering is unavoidable.

In the described sense, there is always a filter, not necessarily right or wrong, but simply to recognise this as it is. When a channel says: “I receive a message from a master from Atlantis or from angle So-and-so” they do experience it in this way. There are no special people flying around anywhere.
All the wisdom and also the bulshit - which is much greater in numbers - is ready for download from this psychic Ethernet. You can really imagine this to be similar to the internet. Since the internet
exists, it has become much easier to understand what a channel is plugging into. In the psychic ethernet there is as much spam and as many hoaxes flying around as on the internet. (Laughter)
Consciousness does not exist as time. Consciousness IS. Before, during and after our experience of time. Mystics say „nothing ever happened“ once they have fallen out of the prison of personal self. In awe they say: „nothing ever happened“ – It is true.
And in the same sense we can say „all and everything through all times is here right now.“ This is the same as „nothing ever happened“. Both cannot be understood by the mind. The mind can only move around in time.

I am making you aware of this to understand, that wisdom is simply available as presence itself. Whoever “put the wisdom” into presence is not relevant. Maybe Yes, a certain master, maybe Yes, a certain etheric being, all kinds of people leave electrical prints of presence everywhere – it does not matter what their names are or who they were or whether this vibration ever existed in a form or not. The electrical code is not the message itself. There are no “messages” flying around in the sky. It is electrical potential of presence itself.

You are made of the wisdom you seek!

There is presence of an electrical potential, an electrical vibration. It is like on the computer zero/one/zero/one/zero/one – it is just this vibration presence. Now, when a certain receptive machine is there – which in our case is the channel – suddenly the electrical charge gets interpreted. With it, a kind of the wrapping of the parcel is usually received as well. That wrapping of the parcel consists of feelings and states, which we love to identify as “certain presences” and then the impression rises that a “certain being” is talking to us. My experience is that presence does not talk. Consciousness itself never speaks, pure witnessing does not comment.

I am not saying, that channels are making up what they are listening to or that they do not really hear it – they do hear it! They may be not aware, that they are not separate from whatever they are receiving. So, the receiving can only happen in this way. Also, the person they are doing the channeling for, also that person is not separate from the message, but needs a medium to bridge over.

The most simple way to receive the enormous support that is available and that the universe is always giving freely, is to become very very still, very quiet, attentive, open, condition free. Without setting conditions. leaving alone our expectations, leaving alone our story. Just for few moments just for THIS moment – be still...

This is the simple way – becoming silent.
It is not always an easy way. Channels (and other methods) can help to make it easy to reach the simple ...just a little round about way. You can be absolutely certain, that everything which needs to reach your consciousness to help you be free, to help you awaken, to help you in whatever you need help for, everything will reach to you, in fact it IS reaching in this moment. In fact, you ARE it already. So in the best case, a channel can bridge you over to remember that you are not separate, neither from presence, nor from messages you need.
It is possible, that channels “download” true and helpful stuff AND – just like with the internet – the helpful stuff can be surrounded and embedded in unwanted spam. The danger for the mind is, that once it believes that “angle so and so” is speaking, it gets easily impressed and looses wisdom of discernment. I am not saying that channels are generally charlatans or that they are not doing a good job. What I am saying is, that the amount of messages which get spread around need reflection of silence within. And, messages are often over evaluated or taken too seriously, too much word by word.
Whatever makes you silent, widens your heart, works for you. The most useful message that you can receive is the message that is in you, inherent in your own heart and also around you everywhere, at all times, in all circumstances. That message does not even need a download. It is already here. That message is that you are love itself already. No-thing does have to be different. You can become aware of that great message by being still. The middle of this moment is radically liberating.
Try it – do not believe what I say!



Terry Pratchett's Tibetan Magic 
(by Sudeva 2016)

"The wise man does not seek enlightenment, he waits for it. So while I was waiting it occurred to me that seeking perplexity might be more fun. After all, enlightenment begins where perplexity ends."
– Lu Tze (a character in Thief of Time by Terry Pratchett )

It seems there is more in Terry Pratchett's books than one man could create in one life time. Was he an old Tibetan monk, drawing on the experiences of a dozen incarnations? He looked more like an eccentric Englishman, but then according to Lu-Tze (see above), "you can't tell a book by its cover."

I love reading Terry's books and I am fascinated by the way he points to the deep and spiritual truths of life, almost as an aside. In reading one receives a multitude of multicultural human wisdom while being joyfully and elegantly entertained. How does he do it?

There is the simplicity of Tao in Terry, the wild and fantastic magic fits easily in Tibet … and the sound between the lines equals the great Zen teachings.

Terry Pratchett's wonderful books are mostly set on the Discworld, a world where magic operates in a more visible realm than it does here on Sphereworld. Still, the people who use magic recognise that it is wild, unruly and unpredictable. They prefer not to use it, except for the wizards of the Unseen University who mostly cannot see beyond their own noses.

Lu-Tze and Granny Weatherwax both come from the Ramtops, mysterious mountains where magic is a way of life. They live an enlightened life while appearing as perfectly ordinary and simple human beings.
Granny Weatherwax – a fully empowered old wise witch - rarely uses magic. Instead she creates miracles though her "headology"; seeing who people really are she un-clogs the pipes and channels in their minds, affects their behaviour and wakes them up.

Lu-Tze is a sweeper at the monastery of the History Monks – the lowliest of the low. He is also their greatest martial arts practitioner – though no one has ever seen him in action. Like magic, his martial power is used only when it must be. "Violence is the resort of the violent," he says. He follows the Way of Mrs Cosmopolite, his landlady when he was a student. In his battered book of notes on her sayings it is written, "It won't get better if you pick at it." How many times has the average human being lain awake at night picking fruitlessly at their problems when they could have been fast asleep?

Terry's characters are in the business of waking people up and indeed if Mrs Cosmopolite didn't say "Wake up to yerself" then she should have. Waking up is not a one-off event and his characters find themselves again and again in situations where they have to be in the present moment or their lives fall apart. The magic flows when they are pushed to the point where nothing else works and they have to act now. For it is written, "There is no time like the present".

Love and Relationship
(by Adima, 2014)

First of all: I am a relationshipper ;-). Choicelessly. It was simply so. Relationship was my path and relating still is mirror and teacher on my path in sharing with my beloved and others.

Ultimately it does not matter for realisation or liberation whether or not you have many or none so called relationships. It is a question what type you are. And also how daring and open you are to experience the fullness of the human experience.

At some point we all find out that love cannot be done and is very contradictory. Love needs two people ... to learn to be one ... and in the end with great luck to become love itself.

Whenever there are two poles, there is also separation and that feels painful.

As long as one thinks of oneself as a "somebody", as a separate entity there will be a relation to ANY object which appears in one's perception, whether that is a "thought object", a "feeling object" or a "love object".

The attachment in us is to perceive oneself as separate. That is what we know. Then we try to get anything from "the other" that can alleviate the pain of this separation.
This is the painfully wrong concept (as we all know).
Every relationship is an invitation to grow deeper into and out of duality, a challenge to look more closely: who am I really? Who is this alleged somebody who "has the relationship"? AND ALSO: Who is "the other?"

In moments of love there is no other ...

In relating we are both: two individuals and oneness, as we are also both: mind with thinking and presence as silence

Sharing the humbling challenges of being together in the human experience wants personal honesty and invites real intimacy. What it needs is space. Space happens in openness (of mind and heart) and leads to sharing in truth.

I never experienced love as easy, yet ... over time a mind blowing and heart widening simplicity spreads in love.

Let me know your experience?!
