Tibetan Pulsing

Healing through Love

Transformational Body and Energy Work for physical, mental and psychological healing.

Classes & Groups


Extended Article 

Online Courses

this Newsletter is specifically for TRAINED Tibetan Pulsers. For the general English Newsletter subcribe here

How it works

Every heart longs to reconnect to its source of natural divinity, of being healthy and whole within oneself and with others. Tibetan Pulsing ignites this reunion. 

Technically speaking Tibetan Pulsing uses bio-electrical current through touch (acupressure) and sound (frequencies). It combines the acupressure and the sound in a specific way, which discharges negative physical, emotional and mental charge from the nervous system.

Practically speaking while you're lying down, listening to music, certain resonance points or zones will be touched or "pulsed" as we call it . The body relaxes, the mind becomes quieter and the emotions calm. The music you listen to is "tuned", it vibrates in the same frequency as the issue (or the frequency) we're working on.

Here is the extended article.


An eye reading comes at the beginning of the work with Tibetan Pulsing. The eyes are the mirror of the soul. They show the script for “the role you play in life”. This Eye Reading differs entirely from common iridology. It uses its own map with a holistic view on the causes of physical or psychological illness and psychosomatic conditions. This gives you an understanding of why you suffer from certain conditions and guides you how to overcome this.

We offer and teach

ORGAN YOGA - keeps the body healthy and in harmony.

TANTRA OF THE HEART - teaches meditative rituals for balancing energy 

BOTH can be experienced in individual sessions or in classes and groups where you practice with others.

Professional Training and Multi Level Course Online (for trained people)

Background and Development

The work roots in ancient spiritual and healing wisdom of Tibet and China. Even though it originates from Tibetan Buddhist Monasteries it is not a religious teaching but simply a helpful method for everyone. It is beneficial for private clients as well as for professionals who work with people.

From 1987-1998, Adima and Sudeva studied and worked closely with Sw. Shantam Dheeraj,the founder and lineage holder of Tibetan Pulsing Healing.
They offer sessions, groups, personal and educational trainings and are both specialised in either men's or women's work.

In the early 2000 years Adima began to use Tibetan Pulsing as a key tool in Self-Inquiry It showed that the pulsing successfully supports most people in integrating spiritual transformation in their daily life.

In 2012 both, Adima and Sudeva began to experiment with Tibetan Pulsing in the context of Trauma Therapy. Their sensitive application of this combination shows great benefit in the Trauma Healing process as needed for titration, pendulation or release.

It is one of those techniques which are much easier to experience than to explain! COME AND EXPERIENCE!


Interested? ask us for more information and training material