Online Course with Adima & Sudeva
BOOK COURSE HERE NOW (fully booked)

Part 2 in October:  Saturdays 15:30, Sundays 9:30 (UK time)
6 Meetings in Zoom, approx. 2.5 Std
Sun 13.10. / Sat 19.10. / Sun 27.10.

Basic Course for Liberation from Suffering
The Heart does not need any help. Living in the Heart is our natural way.
The course helps the mind to let go of what's in the way of Living in the Heart.
in English & German

Limited to 10 spots for intimate work
we will run a parallel or next course asap when the booking requests over shoot this number

The motivation for this course came from your sharings. The course is experiential, structured, focused, playful and open to the mystery.
It will support clearing up confusion about esoteric, spiritual and therapeutic concepts. Keeping the door open to honesty, lightness and simplicity. Finding your way on this path.

Main Topics
- Exploring in truth
- Growing in awareness
- Understanding the mind and its mechanics
- Opening to new ways of love and self-loving
- Flowering of the silent heart

List of Topics (may be extended)
- Energy centres (chakras) and energy bodies and their connection (understanding things like “I have a block in the so and so chakra”)
- Where does illness actually come from?
- Handling emotions
- What is healing really?
- Understanding Trauma: what is trauma-related in the nervous system or in my behaviour, what is not?
- Working with and transforming judgment, comparison, expectation
- Techniques for pacifying the inner monsters, negative emotions and unloved parts

6 x 2.5 hrs meeting in Zoom, LIMITED NUMBER OF PARTICIPANTS (10)
If registrations exceed the number substantially we’ll make a parallel course available asap!

Prerequisites, Participation and Recordings:
At least 1 attendance and former conversation in a Satyamitra Zoom Meeting with Adima or an (online) session with Adima or Sudeva since 2021.

The intention is to be present for the meeting every time.
Attendance online needs to be indoors, with the camera on and in private - no other people around or obligations and distractions. Couples can be on one screen, but may for some exercises prefer two screens if available.

The meetings will be recorded by the host.
In exceptional cases of illness/emergency it will be possible to access the recording after missing a class.

Price and Payment:
is in advance: £ 210.00 equals ca EUR 240,00

ANY exceptions or special needs (e.g. reg. camera/health issues) need to be addressed before booking.


We’re looking forward to see you
